
Wednesday 29 August 2012

There's a bear in there and 46 chairs as well! ~ The hunt for new dining chairs :)

Hello Lovely Coastal Peeps!

My Hubby for a long time has suggested that we have too many chairs.  If it were up to him we would have; a dining chair each, a lounge and a couple of desk chairs.  He's a lean chair man.  Me not so much, I heart chairs and seem to collect them.  However, in my defence... it's nice to have seating options right?

I thought I'd perform a chair audit so I set off around the house with a notepad and pen. The result kind of shocked even me; 31 chairs, 4 stools, 3 lounges, 5 ottomans and 3 benches.  I stopped at the inside seating.  We clocked up a total of 46!!  There's four people, a cat, a hermit crab and an axolotl living here.  Taking into account the latter two family members don't technically sit, that works out to be 9.2 chairs per bottom!! (includes the cat, I had to bring the average down somehow).  So it's official... I may have a problem.  That said, some of the chairs are awaiting makeovers and will be off to Market, so technically they shouldn't count ;)

Given all of this I was shocked, gob smacked even, when the Hubstar suggested we go chair shopping.  Yes he did.  For a while we have been talking about replacing our dining chairs. They were fine with our old dining table, but since we bought a new larger table the chairs don't work. 

Of course I had to play it cool, I was all like; "mmmm yeah... ok if you'd like to" (whilst internally I was all whoo hooing and fist pumping;).   So Hubby had a day off, the kids were deposited at school and we set off on the hunt for the perfect chairs!  Happy days.  I could shop for home stuff until the cows come home, often without food or even a toilet break.  My stamina for home shopping is amazing I tell you.

We schlepped around Sydney, from show room to show room.  Here's just a few pics I took along the way...  apologies for the poor quality.


I loved the fun fresh blue on these Eames Eiffel Chairs... but they weren't right for our table.

Practical Tolix Chairs, in an array of colours.
I love these linen upholstered beauties with nail head trim, but I have to be realistic; red wine, messy little boy eaters... nuff said

Really liked these Crossed backed chairs...  and they would work with our table but I wanted something a little brighter....

 Not this bright...  I do like the blue but think I'd have liked it if the pink were white... 

 Lovely rustic bench.  I love benches. Hubby not so keen. Onward ever onward.

There were more than a few distractions; bright shiny objects and various lovelies calling me including these Mamma and Pappa Bear chairs :)

This glossy aqua trestle table was so lovely... and the Mother of Pearl inlay pieces were just divine!

We came home empty handed, however, I think it was a successful trip. The sun was shining, we had a nice lunch and although we didn't get any chairs, we ruled out several options!

Fast forward to last weekend, and a Freedom email in my inbox alerting me to 15% off everything!! Thank you very much.  To cut a long story short... we have ordered 6 new dining chairs. Looking forward to them arriving... watch this space :)

How many is too many chairs?  Do you love chairs?
Finishing up a couple of fun projects, I hope to share soon lovelies!
Jo xx


  1. oooooo I am loving those upholstered chairs - they are divine. I am a chair fan - through and through, you can never have too many in my mind. xxx

    1. That's what I reckon Sonia :) Thanks for making me feel less of a chair freak! xx

  2. Oh my!!! I am in love with some of these chairs! Were the Mama and Papa Bear chairs at Matt Blatt or somewhere else? I think I need to have one of them. I am currently trying to convince my husband that we need bone inlay bedside tables! xx

    1. Yes Emma, they were at Matt Blatt too, lots of amazing things! The bone inlkay pieces are so so beautiful, good luck! xx

    2. Thanks! Cross your fingers for me!!! xx

  3. Yes Jo I hear you there, I have had a chair problem for quite some time! I have two lounge suites (consisting of two couches each), 14 dining chairs, 2 kitchen stools, 3 desk chairs, 2 retro armchairs, and antique grandfather chair and 4 stools in my house. That is 26 chairs excluding the seating on the lounge suites. Outside there are quite a few more, and none of these are destined for makeovers, they are all keepers :)

    xx Karen

    1. he he Karen... glad I'm not alone in my obsession ;) Jo xx

  4. Haha...too many chairs. I'd never thought about it ~ until now! Oops! One person in a tiny apartment; with 2 bar stools, 3 french industrial stools, 1 large couch, 1 ottoman, 2 retro armchairs, 1 wicker chair and i just put out 4 dining chairs (waiting to be made over). I don't have room for everything (thank goodness for the second bedroom/storage room ~ but i do need them all.

    1. Absolutely you need them all Justine... they are all totally essential for sitting, lounging and flopping in ;) Jo xx


Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx