
Monday 20 August 2012

Oh the Places he's been... Vintage Shipping Trunk come to Mumma ;)

Hello there!

Look what I found!  One of those pieces that as soon as I spied it in the store, I knew, no ifs or buts; this baby was coming home with moi!


Wanna hear something a little quirky or as my kids would say a little random... when I see a piece Vintage luggage goodness...  Dr Seuss's "Oh the Places you'll Go" always springs to mind.... Yep. I know weird right?! 

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!”  

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
~ exert from Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

He's found a home for now in our lounge room, but I think he'd also work well in our more casual family room.  So there may be more travels in store for this handsome devil!

Do you have a thing for Vintage Luggage too? 

Sweet Vintage dreams my friends,

Jo xx

Linking up for fun here....


  1. I love him. He is spectacular. I love the color, I have a thing for vintage luggage!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

    1. Thank you Stacey! He's is pretty good looking and handy too ;) Jo xx

  2. Love it Jo! Yes, I like a bit of vintage luggage and no, you're not weird, you are adorable :)
    Cas x

  3. Great find! Thanks for joining Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  4. Wow, that's just beautiful. Is that metal cuz it almost looks like that coastal blue grey I've seen you use in some of your pieces. Suits your room so beautifully. What a lovely find. Congrats.

    1. Hi! Thanks! Yes it's metal, perfect colour! I wouldn't dream of painting this guy :) Jo x

  5. Wow!! This is so incredibly gorgeous :) I have trunk envy!

  6. I absolutely love love love this trunk - gorgeous-
    And I also love Oh the places you go - I gave my daughter a copy of it when she graduated ( from University, lol )
    And I also have the same Paris picture ( in my office )
    I'm your newest follower - would love to have you come by and follow back when you have the time.

    1. Awww thanks Suzy :) Snap! Popping over to visit you now, thanks so much for following me. Jo x

  7. Vintage trunks have always intrigued me. One does wonder where they've traveled. ;-)
    Yours is perfect for a coffee table. What a terrific find.
    I'm your linky neighbor at You're Gonna Love It Tuesday, and I do love your trunk!

  8. I absolutely LOVE this for a coffee table! I love unique tables like this. It gives such a different feel to your entire living room, I absolutely love it! Vintage trunks are SO pretty and can be used in so many ways. I have been on the lookout for one like this for awhile. You snagged a good find!!


    1. Thanks Kylie! I love it, it was my lucky day! Good luck with your hunt ;) Jo x

  9. I love the color of your trunk! I have 2, both are mostly brown. One is a camel back and the other has wood slats on the top. I love them both and will never part with them. We used to use one as a coffee table, but now it serves as a bench at the foot of our bed.
    This one goes perfectly in this space!

  10. Love it - what a great find.

  11. Oh she/he's beautiful. I always call my vintage she so it's hard to call him a he. Whatever it is I know one thing it's beautiful. I doubt I could have walked past that one either.


    1. Thanks Carolyn, it was love at first sight, you can't fight these things ;) Jo x

  12. What a great piece! I have always dreamed of having a piece of LV vintage luggage but I'll never be able to afford one unless I find one in an op shop!!

    1. Thanks Melissah :) Good luck with your vintage dreams ;) Jo x


Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx