
Wednesday 29 August 2012

There's a bear in there and 46 chairs as well! ~ The hunt for new dining chairs :)

Hello Lovely Coastal Peeps!

My Hubby for a long time has suggested that we have too many chairs.  If it were up to him we would have; a dining chair each, a lounge and a couple of desk chairs.  He's a lean chair man.  Me not so much, I heart chairs and seem to collect them.  However, in my defence... it's nice to have seating options right?

I thought I'd perform a chair audit so I set off around the house with a notepad and pen. The result kind of shocked even me; 31 chairs, 4 stools, 3 lounges, 5 ottomans and 3 benches.  I stopped at the inside seating.  We clocked up a total of 46!!  There's four people, a cat, a hermit crab and an axolotl living here.  Taking into account the latter two family members don't technically sit, that works out to be 9.2 chairs per bottom!! (includes the cat, I had to bring the average down somehow).  So it's official... I may have a problem.  That said, some of the chairs are awaiting makeovers and will be off to Market, so technically they shouldn't count ;)

Given all of this I was shocked, gob smacked even, when the Hubstar suggested we go chair shopping.  Yes he did.  For a while we have been talking about replacing our dining chairs. They were fine with our old dining table, but since we bought a new larger table the chairs don't work. 

Of course I had to play it cool, I was all like; "mmmm yeah... ok if you'd like to" (whilst internally I was all whoo hooing and fist pumping;).   So Hubby had a day off, the kids were deposited at school and we set off on the hunt for the perfect chairs!  Happy days.  I could shop for home stuff until the cows come home, often without food or even a toilet break.  My stamina for home shopping is amazing I tell you.

We schlepped around Sydney, from show room to show room.  Here's just a few pics I took along the way...  apologies for the poor quality.


I loved the fun fresh blue on these Eames Eiffel Chairs... but they weren't right for our table.

Practical Tolix Chairs, in an array of colours.
I love these linen upholstered beauties with nail head trim, but I have to be realistic; red wine, messy little boy eaters... nuff said

Really liked these Crossed backed chairs...  and they would work with our table but I wanted something a little brighter....

 Not this bright...  I do like the blue but think I'd have liked it if the pink were white... 

 Lovely rustic bench.  I love benches. Hubby not so keen. Onward ever onward.

There were more than a few distractions; bright shiny objects and various lovelies calling me including these Mamma and Pappa Bear chairs :)

This glossy aqua trestle table was so lovely... and the Mother of Pearl inlay pieces were just divine!

We came home empty handed, however, I think it was a successful trip. The sun was shining, we had a nice lunch and although we didn't get any chairs, we ruled out several options!

Fast forward to last weekend, and a Freedom email in my inbox alerting me to 15% off everything!! Thank you very much.  To cut a long story short... we have ordered 6 new dining chairs. Looking forward to them arriving... watch this space :)

How many is too many chairs?  Do you love chairs?
Finishing up a couple of fun projects, I hope to share soon lovelies!
Jo xx

Monday 20 August 2012

Oh the Places he's been... Vintage Shipping Trunk come to Mumma ;)

Hello there!

Look what I found!  One of those pieces that as soon as I spied it in the store, I knew, no ifs or buts; this baby was coming home with moi!


Wanna hear something a little quirky or as my kids would say a little random... when I see a piece Vintage luggage goodness...  Dr Seuss's "Oh the Places you'll Go" always springs to mind.... Yep. I know weird right?! 

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!”  

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
~ exert from Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

He's found a home for now in our lounge room, but I think he'd also work well in our more casual family room.  So there may be more travels in store for this handsome devil!

Do you have a thing for Vintage Luggage too? 

Sweet Vintage dreams my friends,

Jo xx

Linking up for fun here....

Saturday 18 August 2012

My Coastal Beachy Piano Bench was Featured!!

Hello lovelies!

Not long to go now until Spring!!  We can almost reach out and touch it and as far as I'm concerned it can't come quick enough!

It's been a busy week around this Coastal Home; some painting, some Vintage shopping (more on that soon) and always exciting... a couple of pieces of my furniture flew the coup to new homes!  However I'm not feeling the Empty Nest Syndrome as I picked up a couple of new projects to keep me busy ;)

Speaking of exciting...  last week my little Coastal bench was featured over at Elizabeth & Co.  How cool is that?  I love Sharon's blog and she features some great projects.  I was so chuffed to be included!

Here it is; before and after.. (you can see the full post here :)

Thanks so much Sharon! 


Have a great weekend lovelies :)

Jo xx

Saturday 11 August 2012

Wicked love... A Side Table Makeover ;)


A quick little makeover to share with you today.  I love the casual and coastal look of wicker, cane and bamboo pieces.  I bought this round wicker table a little while back and decided to give her a fresh new look.

Here it is before, a little worn and weary and a tad too orange for my liking...

After sanding, cleaning and a new glossy spray job, I'm loving her new look. 

She's so pretty now that I bought her some flowers and some chocolates which may or may not have made it to her ;)


My Union Jack ottoman can be found here... Union Jack Ottoman

Are you partial to some wicker love?

Have a great weekend!

Jo xx

Linking up to these fun parties...


Thursday 9 August 2012

Happy Vintage Days; new treasures and some whimsical art ;)

Hello Coastal lovelies!

Well Sydney has been putting on some stunning Winter sunshine of late, it inspired me to get my vintage on yesterday.  The floors needed a mopping, clothes needed a folding but the pull of some vintage treasure hunting won out!

Here's what I found....

Some crocheted lovelies, always love some nana crochet.  Especially in fun colours.  I think yellow was the theme of the day, I don't normally go for yellow... but may be Olympic gold fever was rubbing off on me.

A perfect and I mean just out of the box cake platter, Donna Hay no less, not that I needed another cake pedestal, but how could I pass it up?

A small Le Creuset baking dish in colour de jour... yellow!

A book, Italian Joy...  have you read this?  It looks to me a similar genre to Eat Pray Love.  Here it is below with dust jacket on...

This guy didn't come home with me but I love how bright and sunny it is. Hello Yellow :D

And what may be my fav find today.  A cool vintage silk screen.

I think it's art. It may not be everyone's cuppa tea, (I can imagine what hubby will say when he spies it, mind you this could take a while. Sorry honey ;)   but for me art is;  something that is pleasing to the beholder (check), something original (check) and something that makes me happy (check).

This guy first reeled me in with its colour... turquoise and green perfection, say no more.  I love the simple rustic frame and the whimsical randomness of the print.  It cost me $4.

I picked up the silver gravy boat recently too, I have a little collection of them.  I popped some shells into this one...  willing on Summer!

So that was my Vintage day.

Have you found any treasures lately?  What's your definition of art?

Happy Vintage Days :)

Jo xx

PS..  You can see some more Vintage treasures here Fab finds!

Linking up to these fun parties... :)

Saturday 4 August 2012

Little Piano bench gets a Coastal makeover!


Sharing my little bench seat makeover.... 

I bought this little piano stool a few weeks ago.  I found him sitting sad and abandoned in an op shop, but after popping on my 'potential glasses' (I carry them everywhere ;)  I could see that this little fella would look fab with a little TLC.


Orange lacquer just had to go and stat!

Sanding, priming and some stripey details were on my to do list for this little project;

and here he is after some Coastal lovin....

So that's it... my little coastal bench make over and no more orange lacquer in sight!

Not much else happening around here at the moment... we're caught up in Olympic fever!!  Have you been watching? 


Jo xx

Linking up to these fun parties....