
Monday 17 September 2012

Some New Vintage Art and Some Random Disorganised Thoughts :)

Hello lovelies

Keeping up with kids, home, work and this blogging caper is tough. Well for this chick it is. I really admire so many women who blog daily... or even regularly, you guys are amazing and inspire me to do better.  I'm yet to balance it all and find blogging is the thing that gets bumped off the 'To Do/Wish List' {sometimes it's sorting the washing or ironing... actually it's always the ironing!}.

I've been finishing lots of projects and fun stuff, but haven't gotten around to blogging about it. I write the posts in my head, often in the middle of the night!  They just haven't materialised into posts as yet.... surely someone is close the inventing an App for that?  It's not only writing posts, it's keeping up to date with all my fave blogs too...  I'm so far behind in my reading!

Anyhow I'm working on getting more organised, I think that's the key. I know it is. In a previous life (before kids) I was organised, mostly on time and not a crazed lunatic every morning trying to get out of the house!  My other "issue" is procrastination. Add that to disorganisation and it's amazing that I make it out of the bathroom in the morning, let alone the house ;)

That said, I'm not beating myself up about it, I love writing this little blog and connecting with so many truly gorgeous people.  My blog is a new born, she and I (always wanted a girl), will take one day at a time, or one post at a time. Baby steps :)

Well that turned into a different post entirely!  {Is that normal?}  I had set out to just share a recent Vintage Art find!  So moving right along, here she is....  

I found her at Vinnies, I had to pop on my potential glasses to get past her most-unattractive-gold-framers-special frame! 

After a moment of focusing I was taken by her beautiful colours and she was coming home with me.

After a few coats of white paint, I think she scrubbed up not too shabby!  Amazing what a lick of paint will do... a fresh new look just in time for Spring :)


How do you balance work, love and blogging?  ~  Any tips for this newbie would be greatly appreciated! :)

Thanks for stopping by... have a great week lovelies :)

Jo xx

Linking up here :)


  1. Hiya Jo :)
    I was going through the same sort of dilemma a few weeks ago and I was finding it extremely difficult to keep up with blogging and reading blogs with everything else that was happening. So I completely empathise with you on this :) One thing I did and it wasn't easy, was cut back on the amount of blogs I was following. I kept only the ones that I really enjoy and feel a sense of community with. I also find writing my blog ideas down in a journal helps and scheduling my posts is something I do regularly too. Also when blogging starts to feel like a chore, I step back for a bit and come back to it when I'm feeling more inspired. Sorry for the huge comment, hope it helps a little :)
    Cas x

    1. I just did that too, cut down on my reading list. Every day I would have 1000+ unread posts in Google Reader, crazy! I unsubscribed from lots of blogs and now I am only seeing posts from the ones I actually want to read. Same with facebook 'likes'. Feels great!

    2. Hi Cas, makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone :) I may have to do that... that sense of community is what I love so much about blogging. I'm going to sit down tonight and catch up with some! Thanks lovely. Jo x

  2. She's so pretty and the white frame looks so fresh.

    As for the blogging, just find your rhythm and be happy with that. You are the editor in chief and no one matters but you, in this game. The connections are great but people understand if you don't post or interact all the time. There are no rules except the ones you have for yourself.

    Love your sweet little blog and I think she's a girl too.

    1. Aww thanks Carolyn for your sweet comments. Yes it's more about the pressure I put on myself... and you'e spot on, it's about finding my own rhythm and managing priorities. I'm learning :) Thanks for your words of wisdom. Jo x

  3. Hi Jo, that is so funny because I wrote a post today (two weeks after my last one, lol!) and started it off with a paragraph very very similar to yours. Then I deleted it, lol! I was worried it might attract some debate and that is not what I want or need on my blog, and if that happened my poor little brain would give it far more attention that it deserved. Basically it was about not posting very often and not feeling the need to keep up with any particular schedule, and not feeling the need to 'keep up' with what others do. I said that I only post when I want to, when I feel that I have something to say or a project to show off. I never plan posts days or weeks in advance, I just bang one out when the mood strikes. This blogging thing isn't meant to be hard, or like work, that is what I think anyway!

    Good luck with finding a balance that works for you.

    xx Karen

    1. there was more to it than that, the part that I thought would attract debate. Don't want to attract it on your blog either, lol.

    2. Hi Karen, Wow we must have been on the same wave length! btw I will be doing some catch up om my blog reading tonight! Thanks for your words, it really is all about balance (I'm big on balance being a Libran... just working on getting it right!). Jo x

  4. I think the painting looks gorgeous with all the Spring colours in it, esp. next to those books and your amazing DIY clock. I love it with the white frame because the colours just pop.
    I don't think there's any rule that says you have to blog every day. I just do it when I feel inspired and if not then no bloggy post ;o)
    Tania xx

    1. aww thanks Tania you're too kind :) I'm so glad you do as you inspire the heck out of me hun :) xx

  5. I love the painting! The colors are so bright and vivid! I still have yet to balance blogging with all the other things I have to do. I did have to cut back on how many parties I linked up to because I just didn't have the time to visit like I wanted. So now I just link up to certain ones each week and have more time to visit those links!

  6. I agree with all the above. Just blog when you feel like it. Posts are better when they are written from a happy heat rather than a stressed one.
    Love the detailing in the white frame. Very pretty.
    Cheers Kylie x

    PS - whilst we are talking about blogging consider turning word verification off - I can never read the jumbled up letters and numbers?

    1. Thanks Kylie! So true... happy heart, happy blogger :)
      I had no idea I had word verification turned on! Thanks for letting me know, I think I've fixed it now! I can never read those things either he he. Jo xx

  7. Jo, I wish I had the answers but I am in a constant state of struggle and frustration trying to work out how to balance blogging and all the dreams and plans I have for the blog and business, with raising a family and being the best mum and wife I can be. I feel like I drop the balls all the time and never feel that I'm doing any of my roles especially well. So, if you find the answer please let me know. The painting looks lovely by the way. Great find.

  8. Gorgeous job with your painting! I also agree with others and say blog when you feel like it. That keeps the pressure off for sure. Megan

  9. What a pretty painting - totally love the colors! ... As for the balancing part, I'm still trying to figure that out too. But most importantly, just be yourself and don't try to keep up with anyone else. It's easy to think that everyone else is doing it better. I think we're all just trying to find our way!

  10. The painting looks a thousand times better in the white frame. I'm old, so life wasn't the same for me when my kids were home and I was working full time. I tried to take advantage of little snippets of time, like unload the dishwasher while the coffee pot was going, stuff like that. Never go empty handed. With a messy husband and five kids, every time I exited a room I took something away--paper to put in recycle, glass overlooked, jacket to hang, etc. Stock up when you can. Sometimes Target has great loss leader sales or you find something on deep enough discount to be the next best thing to free--buy ten art sets and stash them with bags and cards somewhere easy to remember so you don't have to run around for a birthday gift at the last minute. If your kids are school age, do the same thing with supplies and keep them a secret. Have a box or bin somewhere with extra markers, posterboard, etc. so if a project is suddenly remembered at 8 pm no one has to go dashing off to get supplies. Don't tell the kids so they don't raid essentials for play. Be creative to get what you need. If your schedule makes it hard to see your best friend, go grocery shopping together with a stop for a soda or coffee to chat before you get started. That way you save on gas, if you go in one car and take turns. If you have a project that needs a few hours on a weekend without interruption see if your husband or a grandparent can do something with your children while you tackle it. That way, you can get it done and off your mind so the rest of the weekend you can pay attention to them without being distracted. Good luck!

  11. Beautiful!!! Your photography is stunning :)

  12. Its amazing what a different frame can do. The pic is beautiful! As for the procrastination and lack of time, I totally feel you! Im in the same boat. I carry 3 notebooks with me at all times for notes and potential blog ideas, to do lists etc. It kinda helps but Im still way behind! Fingers crossed the App comes out soon, no? lol x

  13. Very Inspiring dear,Good Job!

    If you have a minute, please check out my blog and leave a comment on my new post.
    I'll appreciate it so much! Thanks!

    Blow A Rainbow


  14. Oh Jo - this is something I seriously struggle with as well. I have spent the past two weeks just stepping away from it as much as possible. I focused on the writing part which I love, but I didnt read blogs or respond to emails. I missed my favourite blogs (like yours) but I didnt miss the email - I had enough work email to keep me occupied. I will pay for it this week though when I try and catch up.
    I think you have to find a routine that works for you and stick with it - it is very easy to get distracted from the things that really matter to you. I learned this the hard way so trust me on it ok? OK!
    Big hugs to you gorgeous girl. You know I think you are pretty damn special right! xxx

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Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx