
Monday 24 September 2012

Instagram, School holidays and tuning out for a bit


It's school holidays in Sydney so I'm tuning out of online things for a wee bit to spend the break with my Hubby and boys.

I have a few projects (approx 133) on the go, but they'll have to wait for a little while longer.... here's a sneak peek...


I'll probably pop in via Instagram (#iheartinstagram!) to share a few pics and see what you're all up to!  If you're on Instagram come and say hi so I can follow you :)
Here's a few of my recent Instagram pics... @coastalhomelove

Enjoy the blue sky and take care lovelies :)
Jo xx

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Mirror Mirror on the wall... Turquoise Beauty you are the fairest of them all!


Super quick show and tell Tuesday....

The lovely Jo from {Poppy Handmade Designs} contacted me recently to help her transform her mirror.  It belonged to her parents and she wants to use it at her market stalls.  She makes gorgeous boho chic style clothing and accessories.

She chose turquoise (a girl after my own heart)... the same colour I used on my little coffee table makeover.

Here's the before...  now looks can be deceiving, this baby looks like timber but it's actually made of resin (or at least that's what I think it is!). 

And after....

Told ya it would be a quickie!

Thanks for stopping by...

Jo xx

Linking up to these fab parties...

finding fabulous

beyond the picket fence

the shabby creek cottage

house of hepworths

romantic home

here comes the sun

rooted in thyme

Monday 17 September 2012

Some New Vintage Art and Some Random Disorganised Thoughts :)

Hello lovelies

Keeping up with kids, home, work and this blogging caper is tough. Well for this chick it is. I really admire so many women who blog daily... or even regularly, you guys are amazing and inspire me to do better.  I'm yet to balance it all and find blogging is the thing that gets bumped off the 'To Do/Wish List' {sometimes it's sorting the washing or ironing... actually it's always the ironing!}.

I've been finishing lots of projects and fun stuff, but haven't gotten around to blogging about it. I write the posts in my head, often in the middle of the night!  They just haven't materialised into posts as yet.... surely someone is close the inventing an App for that?  It's not only writing posts, it's keeping up to date with all my fave blogs too...  I'm so far behind in my reading!

Anyhow I'm working on getting more organised, I think that's the key. I know it is. In a previous life (before kids) I was organised, mostly on time and not a crazed lunatic every morning trying to get out of the house!  My other "issue" is procrastination. Add that to disorganisation and it's amazing that I make it out of the bathroom in the morning, let alone the house ;)

That said, I'm not beating myself up about it, I love writing this little blog and connecting with so many truly gorgeous people.  My blog is a new born, she and I (always wanted a girl), will take one day at a time, or one post at a time. Baby steps :)

Well that turned into a different post entirely!  {Is that normal?}  I had set out to just share a recent Vintage Art find!  So moving right along, here she is....  

I found her at Vinnies, I had to pop on my potential glasses to get past her most-unattractive-gold-framers-special frame! 

After a moment of focusing I was taken by her beautiful colours and she was coming home with me.

After a few coats of white paint, I think she scrubbed up not too shabby!  Amazing what a lick of paint will do... a fresh new look just in time for Spring :)


How do you balance work, love and blogging?  ~  Any tips for this newbie would be greatly appreciated! :)

Thanks for stopping by... have a great week lovelies :)

Jo xx

Linking up here :)

Thursday 13 September 2012

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.... What's the time on the DIY Coastal Clock?


So I got a new toy a little while ago and I seriously do not know how I ever survived without it!  I'm talking about my new hot glue gun.  Nothing high tech, nor expensive about it.  It's just plain awesome.  I've used it for numerous little projects and repairs since it got it.

I thought I'd share my super easy DIY Coastal Clock makeover! 

I started with a basic clock, I picked up from Kmart ($10). I was happy to experiment for a tenner, if it all went horribly wrong there would be no tears shed.

I'm sure that little Swedish boutique (aka Ikea) would have several likely candidates on offer. 

If you wanna give it a go, it's seriously easy, here's what you'll need;

  • Some jute rope {Believe it or not this sucker took approx 8 metres of rope!!}
  • Hot Glue gun
  • Lots of hot glue refill sticks!
  • Approx 30-40 minutes
  • A steady hand
  • Some baby wipes on hand to wipe up the inevitable glue mess as you go ;)

Step 1:
Use hot glue gun to affix rope to outside of clock.  The hot glue sets really quickly, just hold in place for a few seconds and continue slowly.

Steps 2-6:
Repeat step 1 until clock rim is fully covered ;)

Easy peasy...  one DIY Coastal Clock! 
This one's headed for the boys playroom :)


What's the time on the Coastal Clock?  Why I do believe it's time for tea :)

Thanks for stopping by...

Jo xx


Monday 3 September 2012

50 Shades of Turquoise ~ A Coffee Table Makeover

Hello there Coastal friends :)

Lovely painting weather in Sydney at the moment.  Spring has finally sprung and I've managed to finish up a couple of projects recently.  This one, a rather lovely coffee table with curvy legs and a curvy glass top.  Quite the hour-glass figure has this lovely lady ;) 

I bought her earlier this year, she's sat precariously balanced on top of bikes, lawn mower and other garage paraphernalia for a few months now.  I decided her time had come. 

I had only one colour on my mind for this lovely lady;  Turquoise... they were destined for each other ;)

I heart turquoise!  I mean what's not to love... It's so fun and fresh, and lends itself so well to so many styles of decorating.  The shade I chose is called Magnetic Magic by Dulux.

Here she is before with a bad orange lacquer finish... Fake tan on furniture is never ever a good look!  Bye bye orange...

After... Hello lovely 

I love glass tops like this... not only does it protect the painted top, it allows for display of precious photos, or kids art and you can change it up whenever the urge strikes!

This piece is available, if you're interested there are some more details on my Facebook page :)

How do you like to add pops of colour? What's your fave decorating colour at the moment? 

Hope you're enjoying sun in your part of the world!

Jo xx