
Monday 2 July 2012

Before and After ~ A Vintage Coffee Table Makeover :)

Good evening lovely friends,

I picked up this little vintage coffee table a couple of months ago, and I finally got around to finishing it on the weekend.  I tend to get projects to about 80-90% complete and get distracted by the next project or random shiny object!

Here she is before, I was drawn to her lovely turned and carved legs ooh la la baby;

She was quite scratched up and way more shabby than chic....


After much sanding, painting and waxing...

Here she is After... (insert wolf whistle here)...

Love and light... :)
Jo xx

Linking up to these fab parties...


  1. Oh la la - she looks beautiful!
    Great makeover!
    I would love if you stopped by my linky party happening now to link this up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

    1. Hi Stacey,
      Thanks so much! Popping over now... Jo x

  2. Amazing! That table is just so sweet and pretty!

    1. Hi Cynthia,
      Thanks I do love her and thanks for visiting me, will be popping over to you soon :) Jo xx

  3. I just popped over from Karen's (Restyled Vintage) for a visit and can't leave without making a comment on that table transformation - the job you've done on it is incredible.

    Off now to take a look thru more of your blog :)

    1. Hi Norma :) I love Karen's blog, thank you so much for popping over, so lovely to have you here! I do love this little table... it was a lucky find... with great bones made my job easy. Jo xx

  4. Hi Jo, so nice to see Norma has popped over after seeing your comment on my blog, I am sure she is glad to find you, I know I am :) I've never met Norma but she always leaves the sweetest comments, and like me she is a Kiwi so I just know she must be a great chick ;)

    Now, that table is gorgeous, but I had to laugh at you saying you get distracted by the latest shiny object, I so do that too! What is that about! I cannot help myself, seriously. Like the other week I scored a table from the roadside, and instead of first finishing the other 6 things I already had on the go, I decided to sand the table top. Then of course got distracted with that, so it sits all sanded and ugly looking, while I go off onto the next thing, haha! I was strict with myself yesterday and only worked on one (half done) piece (a bookcase). Still haven't finished it though! Is that Limed White or Limed White Half on the table legs? That is what I am putting on the half done bookcase, such a nice colour!

    xx Karen

    1. Thank you lovely Karen, I'm loving discovering so many new (to me) blogs and meeting lots of lovely new friends. Agreed Kiwis are top chicks... one of my bffs is a Kiwi ;)

      So glad it's not just me.. you should see my garage, much to my hubby's displeasure it's piled high with projects (I so need a workshop/studio!). On this coffee table, after priming I used an aqua enamel on the legs in a vintage white, about 3 coats. Can't wait to see your bookcase!
      Jo xx

  5. Fabulous makeover! I want this table so bad. I just found your blog from Gina's link party at the Shabby Creek Cottage. I love this. Subscribing now! Thanks.

    1. Hi Erin! Thanks so much! Yay loving this linky party business, meeting so many lovely peeps :) Thank you for checking out my little blog. Will pop over to yours soon... Jo xx

  6. Oh how pretty! I love the beautiful rich wood top!

  7. Gorgeous especially with all your blues and whites! WOW!
    Good you finished that one :o)
    Thanks for linking up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  8. I love this table! I featured you tonight - come and grab a button!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

    1. Hi Stacey :) Thanks so so much! My very first feature, yay!! Took me a while to figure out how to add a button (he he got there in the end!). I felt it called for its own blog post, hope you'll check it out... Jo xx

  9. This is adorable! Love the top!

  10. That table is beautiful!
    Visiting from the Natasha in Oz Media link party!
    Are you on pinterest?
    Sarah from Life on Walnut Street

    1. Hi Sarah, Thank you :) Yay so glad you found me, I found you on facebook, love your page... popping over to check out your blog too. Yes I heart Pinterest! Jo xx

  11. Gorgeous makeover, Jo, So pretty!! Today, I found your blog, lovely site!!.
    I have painted my coffee table in aquamarina, love coastal style. you can see it on my blog,
    Sorry for my bad english!!


Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx