
Thursday 19 July 2012

A Bloggy Award!! ... plus some random oversharing from me ;)

Hello Lovely Coastal Friends!

I was so excited recently to discover that I had received a bloggy award!  This is crazy cool and had me chuffed to the moon and back!  Especially to receive it from the uber funny, lovely and oh so clever Sonia at Life, love and Hiccups!  Thank you so much Sonia :)

Here she is.. isn't she beautiful!!

This is my first award and the rules state I have to answer 10 questions.... and share 10 random facts about myself.  Warning the following post contains 'Mild Oversharing'....  so here we go.

1. What is my Favourite Song?
Yikes, not really sure... love lots but always loved 'Wherever you will go' by The Calling... I'm loving this version from the Twinings Ad sung by Charlene Soraia..

2. My Favourite Dessert!
Where do I start?? First of all let me just preface this by saying, I'm a Libran, so making a decision can at times be a challenge... this is especially true when it comes to menus... and even more true when we drill down to desserts!! That said I'm a happy girl with ice cream... love coffee, hazelnut, chocolate gelato... mmmm
3. What Ticks me Off!
OK pet peeve... I consider myself to be a very courteous driver; I let people in, giveaway and always, always give a 'thankyou' wave when someone lets me in... So it ticks me off when people don't give a thank you wave... it doesn't have to be a whole hand vigorous arm shaking, dislocate your shoulder type of wave, just hold your hand up for a few seconds is enough... it's just plain nice and we are after all living in a civilised society! and breathe... ;)

4. When I'm Upset what do I do?
Eat Gelato. Buy a home Mag. Browse Pinterest. Usually all at once, I'm fab at multitasking ;)

5. What is my Favourite Pet?
Hmmm let me think... of our current pets the choice is between; Hermie the Hermit Crab, Darwin the Axolotl or Milly the Cat... even though she can be aloof, and sometimes downright crazy (it took 3 weeks to catch her when we moved)... Millie the cat wins.

6. What do I prefer Black or White?
When it comes to clothing... gotta be black... slimming and all that. Furniture... white, white love painting things white!

7. What is my Biggest Fear?
Oh yikes... can't say out loud in case it comes true! Sorry tad superstitious like that.

8. What is my Attitude?
Generally I'm a glass is half full kinda girl. 

9. What is Perfection?
Friday night in with a few essential supplies; comfy clothes, wine, something yummy to eat, candles and TV/movie... simple things.

10. What is my Guilty Pleasure?
Sleeping in when I can...  how I love my bed.  Pinterest.  Gelato. Books.

OK and now for 10 random facts about me...

1. I'm not overly superstitious...  but the number 13 freaks me a bit... case in point;  I cannot have the volume on the TV on 13... 12 or 14 is fine but not 13.  If I see a photo on Instagram where there are 12 likes I cannot be number 13 (even if I love the pic!! That said if I love the pic I go back later and like).. and yes I realise this is weird.

2. I love pumpkin soup, but hate roasted pumpkin.

3. Another food weirdy... I hate cream, but love ice cream (just realised I talk about ice cream a Lot!)

4. I procrastinate often.  Case in point this post which has been in draft for almost a month!

5. I was a volunteer at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. So fun.

6. I'm afraid of heights, this fear evolved in my late twenties (before that I abseiled, climbed etc).  I only discovered this fear backpacking through Europe.

7. I love July because of the Tour De France, it's arm chair travel at its best!  Hubby and I have been following it since we met...  I can't get enough of the fabulous scenery and those thigh muscles pumping under lycra... don't get me started ;)
The pack of riders cycles during the 17th stage of the Tour de France cycling race in the mountains, between Embrun and Alpe dHuez, in France, 23 July 2008.  EPA/IAN LANGSDON

8. My Grandfather was French, proper French, didn't speak much English and made amazing cakes!

9.  I almost always have to walk back to the car to check if I pressed the lock button.

10. I sing the same song to my kids each night before bedtime, and it makes me sad to think one day they'll be too big for it.

Okey dokey then...  The rules state I must pass this forward to 7 blogs.  As a newbie blogger I'm passing this award along to some amazingly talented and inspiring bloggers I have met online and or via Instagram recently :)  Each have been so kind with their comments and encouragement.  Pop over and check them out...

Thank you for reading..  love and hugs :)

Jo xx


  1. Oh Jo,
    I cracked up reading about the ice-cream and the number 13. Thanks for the award. Love it.
    Cheers Kylie

    1. Hi Kylie, Thanks :) I can't quite believe I posted my crazy for anyone to see... c'est la vie! Your so welcome, I love your style. Jo x

  2. I love that song! I can't believe I've not heard it before. Thank you for sharing it. I'm going to have to get it on itunes!

    Hope your week has been great. Best wishes for a fabulous weekend!
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Hey Natasha, There's a few versions of it floating around... I love it, so glad you liked it :) Have a great weekend.. Jo x

  3. So great to get to know you a bit better! I adore your style and always look forward to reading your blogs! Thanks for passing on the award and your kind words. Happy weekend! X

    1. Hi Tiff, Thank you :) Yes bit worried as it's all out there now lol oh well! Looking forward to following you. Jo x

  4. Now I feel like I know you a little better. I'm the same with cream and ice-cream, dont like one, can't live without the other! Thats funny about 13, I'm not quite as bad - my tv volume has to be on an even number, never an odd one, it just niggles me :)

  5. Awww see you are ever bit as quirky and gorgeous as I expected. loved getting to know you better hun and thanks for introducing me to some fab new blogs :) xx

    1. Thanks Sonia, I'm down with quirky, it sounds so much better than weird! he he ;) xx

  6. Sorry Jo, I am just catching up on some blog reading and saw your post, thanks so much for the sweet award!

    xx Karen

  7. Loved this list!!! Absolutely cracking up at number 9 in the random comments. I regularly go back to the car, the front door, the stove, the iron to check... drives my husband crazy! x

    1. He he Thanks Emma, so happy to hear it's not just me! Jo xx

  8. I was just thinking how crazy alike we are, esp. the crazy bit and how I can't imagine having to think about these answers.
    Then I spotted my name at the bottom of the list. I still think I must have imagined it.
    I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner......;o)
    Does that mean I need to do this and pass it on?
    Thanks so're very sweet ;o)
    Tania xx


Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx