
Sunday 29 April 2012

Furniture Ramblings on a Chilly Autumn day....


We've had a true Autumn weekend in Sydney, sunshine with a chill in the air!  We schlepped down to our local appliance shop where Hubby bought a gas heater.   It's not very attractive, but I guess function sometimes wins out, and with electricity prices soaring it's possibly a good idea. Personally I'd rather a crochet granny blankie on the lounge, but he wasn't too keen on that idea... can't imagine why!

We also stopped in at our second home, Bunnings where I bought some new paint in some delish colours which I can't wait to use! 

I managed to finish up a couple of small projects including a pair of nesting tables.

I just love nesting tables, they are like the penguins of the furniture world, they mate for life!   There's something about their sweet coupling that gets me every time.   Anyway before you think I'm completely loopy, here's a few pics of the lovely couple.....

Before their makeover, not so much a glamour couple...

Here's the happy couple after after their makeovers,  enjoying a cup of tea and some quiet time.

They received a good sanding down, priming and two coats of a soft French Grey. 

I finished with some light destressing and a coat of bees wax... I seriously think this is like the botox for furniture, gives it such a lift!

Wishing you all a brand new Shiny week!

Jo xx


  1. Great to hear Jo! Cant wait to see the new colours on the job :)

  2. Yay! Thanks Johanna for being my first commenter! I feel like I'm talking to myself he he xx

  3. Hi Jo. Your nesting tables look really cute...I love your taste in furniture! I posted a comment on your last post, but I just noticed it didn't show up, so sorry about that. Looking forward to more of your furniture redos :)
    Cas x

    1. Hi Cas, Thank you so much! I've lots to learn, I adjusted my settings, I didn't realise comments weren't showing up! Next thing is to figure out how to add a blog roll of my fav blogs! Peaches and Maple will be on it for sure!! Take care, Jo xx

  4. HIya - So glad you have taken the leap and started blogging. I look forward to following you lovely :) xx

    1. Hi Sonia! Thanks so much for stopping by! I've been thinking, procrastinating, thinking, procrastinating about starting a blog for yonks! Finally I after a few vinos I just jumped into it! No regrets he he... but much to learn! You're an inspiration, thanks hun :) Jo xx

  5. Hi Jo, I have just come over from instagram, loving your blog, will be back for more x Ps I would go the crochet blankie too :) Kris

    1. Hi Kris :)
      Thank you so much for popping in! Love your pics on Instagram, heading to check out your blog now yay!
      Jo x


Hi... I love reading your comments, they make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by :) Jo xx